
Update for patients – 15 October 2020

It’s been really nice to see many of you again as we increase our face to face consulting when it is safe and suitable to do so.

We continue to practice in accordance with our Covid safe plan and continue to focus on screening questions, mask wearing, hand sanitising and social distancing. Thank you for continuing to answer the many questions from reception staff that ensure we screen each patient for symptoms with such good grace. Your cooperation has helped us keep our doors open. With persistent but low numbers of new cases, we simply have to push on with undertaking appropriate health checks in person whilst minimising risks of Covid. There still have not been any Covid positive patients inside our Practice.

Telehealth continues to be offered up until the end of March 2021. For patients without respiratory symptoms it is essentially your choice as to whether you have a phone consult or a face to face one. This will be determined by the nature of your concern. If the consultation can be performed over the phone, this is still the safest option. Your doctor will inform you if a face to face follow up consult is required.

From Monday 2nd November, the fees for Telehealth consults will change. After the Medicare rebate, the out of pocket cost will be $30, with concession patients being $15 out of pocket. Normal fees apply for face to face appointments.

Please ensure that your health concerns are being addressed. We are concerned about symptoms being ignored and preventative health activities (like skin cancer checks) being delayed. It is really important that we continue to provide you with the highest quality of health care whilst maintaining respect for the safety measures that are necessary due to Covid 19.

With best wishes,

Dr Peter Lovass

Managing Principal