
The GPs provide high quality care and are private billing (there will be an out of pocket expense)

Fees – 1 November 2023 

The fees are guided by the AMA recommended rates. Pensioners, Health Care Card holders, children and full time students under 21 will be charged a substantially discounted fee, but will still have an out of pocket gap.

Veterans’ Affairs card-holders are bulk-billed at all times.

Full payment is expected at the time of the visit to avoid a $10 processing fee. Credit card and EFTPOS facilities are available.


 FEE M/C RebateGap (out of pocket)
Standard Consultation$102.00$41.40$60.60
Long Consultation$140.70$80.10$60.60
Concession Standard Consultation$71.70$41.40$30.30
Concession Long Consultation$110.40$80.10$30.30

After Hours fees: our normal consulting times are 8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday, and appointments booked outside these hours will be charged at our After Hours rates, which result in a larger out of pocket gap.

M-F After 6pm & SaturdayFEEM/C RebateGap (out of pocket)
Standard Consultation$117.00$41.40$75.60
Concession Consultation$86.70$41.40$45.30
M-F before 8amFEE M/C RebateGAP (out of pocket)
Standard Consultation$114.50$53.90$60.60
Concession Consultation$84.20$53.90$30.30
Public Holidays & SundaysFEE M/C RebateGAP (out of pocket)
Standard Consultation$129.50$53.90$75.60
Concession Consultation$99.20$53.90$45.30

Telehealth consultations – these will be charged at the same rate as face-to-face appointments (see fees above).

Patients are eligible for a Medicare Rebate for telehealth only if they have an established relationship with the medical practitioner performing the service. This is defined by the Australian Government as:

  • the GP has provided at least one face-to-face service to the patient in the 12 months preceding the telehealth attendance; or
  • the GP is located at a medical practice where the patient has had at least one face-to-face service at that practice in the 12 months preceding the telehealth attendance (including services performed by another doctor located at the practice, or a service performed by another health professional located at the practice, such as a practice nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health worker); or
  • is a participant in the Approved Medical Deputising Service program, and the Approved Medical Deputising Service provider employing the medical practitioner has a formal agreement with a medical practice that has provided at least one face-to-face service to the patient in the 12 months preceding the telehealth attendance.
  • The established relationship requirement is a rolling requirement applying to every telehealth consultation. For each telehealth consultation, the patient must meet one of the eligibility requirements outline above, unless an eligible exemptions applies.

Missed Appointment fee:  Your doctor may charge a fee if you miss your appointment, and do not cancel with at least one hours’ notice.

Theatre fees: Procedures performed in the theatre will incur a theatre fee in addition to the appropriate item numbers . Normally $200 Gap, however concession patients will generally be charged a reduced fee of $100 Gap.

GP Management Plans: These are billed at the doctor’s discretion. The full fee is $219.40 (with a Medicare Rebate of  $158.80, leaving a GAP of $60.60).  The Concession Fee is $189.10 (with a Medicare Rebate of  $158.80, leaving a GAP of $30.30). GP Management Plans performed in the After Hours period are charged at higher rates, leaving higher GAP payments.

Team Care Arrangements: These are billed at the doctor’s discretion and they may require more than one consultation. The Full fee for the TCA itself is $186.45 (or $156.15 Concession) with a Medicare Rebate of $125.85. TCAs performed in the After Hours period are charged at higher rates, leaving higher GAP payments.